
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Sharing Treasures

My family and I recently traveled to visit my friend in Washington. After taking a morning to settle in, she and I set out to shop at a second hand store near her small town of Washougal. We instantly looked over all the variety of used items with great anticipation of a hidden treasure. This store was organized and had their precious items set aside and priced accordingly. I was disappointed because when treasure hunting, finding that item in a bin next to a old vacuum is all part of the experience.
I slowly moved to the display of books on a large shelf. "What are you looking for?" my friend asked. "I don't no for sure but when I find it, I will know." I replied. Sure enough, wedge between a cookbook and travel magazine was a thin, red swede bound book titled "Balcony People" by Joyce Landdorf. I quickly grabbed it and held on for dear life. "Have you read this?" I asked my friend. She didn't respond with the kind of enthusiasm or excitement that I was expressing and politely responded with a smile "No." I immediately explained to her how much of a treasure this find was and that our afternoon together would be changed by this book. We also picked up a joke book for some great laughs over coffee.

Sharing treasures is more about the value it brings through time. In this book of treasures, Joyce Landdorf shares three characters of balcony people.
Balcony people love from the heart
Balcony people listen from the heart
Balcony people care from the heart

Being a cheerleader and affirming others takes effort and a conscience determination. The rewards are too many to number.

Who are your balcony people?
Whom are you loving, listening and caring for from the heart?

Be purposeful today and share your treasure of affirmation and love!


Cindy K said...

Hi Kim,
this was truly a very plesant way to wake up. With all of the serius prayer requests going on this blessed my heart. You had me laughing and it was a fun and cheerful pickup for me. Thank you and I am so delighted you were able to have a wonderful and relaxed time. You really are funny too. Thank you

Love Cindy

Chris @ Come to the Table said...

Welcome Welcome Welcome!!
Hey, I am so excited that you will be sharing all your wisdom with us and maybe just some fun stuff. I love the "title" of your blog and your first post is great!

You have been a balcony woman in my life!!!

I am adding you to my links if that is ok?? I may have to tell all my blogging friends that there is a new great blog for everyone to check out. So, post often!

Marla said...

Hi Kim,
You are such a blessing. What a pleasure sharing life with you. I enjoyed your post.
We must get together soon

Unknown said...

What a joy to read about a balcony person like you! Awesome way to start off your day with a Love reminder.

Tanning in Paradise,

Connie Jo Freeman said...

Is a balcony person anything like an irregular person? Just kidding?

You, of course, are one of my balcony people. I believe God gave you to me and me to you so we can help each other stretch beyond our usual selves. Years ago I remember you asking, "Why did God give me (Kim) to you (Connie Jo)?" implying that we are so different from one another. But when girls love Jesus the way we do our different personalities and motivations only enhance one another’s lives and make serving Jesus and his people that much more interesting. Thank you for making the effort to remain my precious balcony person.

I also have the privilege to say that I am one of your balcony people. People turn to you for advice and support all the time, including me. I know God gave me to you to pray for you, to speak truth into your life, to nurture you, to keep you from being too serious and help you have fun! I’m still working on getting you up that Palm Springs tram!

I love having you in my balcony! I love cheering you on! Words can’t express the joy you have brought to my life.

Your friend,
Connie Jo

jennifer said...

Hi Kim,
I love your blog title, "Traveling Light!" Such wisdom in leaving all our burdens at Jesus feet and tossing excess baggage!

I am so excited that now I can have you as a balcony person in my life just by turning on the computer. I don't have to wait until you travel to the NW!

Blessings in Him! jennifer