
Thursday, August 23, 2007

An Empty Cup

Have you ever noticed when you get up from your relaxing chair to go to the kitchen there are immediate requests for something to eat or drink? "While you are up..." they politely declare. Naturally, it all makes sense...
Getting fulfillment can be a great challenge. In the book 'Praying God's Word' by Beth Moore there is statement that I have been considering for awhile.
"My unmet needs are like an empty cup that I carry all day long. In one way or another I hold it up to people in my life wanting them to fill it up or at least give me something. Trying to fill my cup with approval of others, affirmation, control, success or immediate gratification - so soon it is gone!"
The truth is that only when I am satisfied by the Lord's love will I be filled and complete; ready to give out!
"Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love for I have put my trust in you." Psalm 143:8
By spending time acknowledging His love and strength, our view of life will have a whole different approach. Let us allow for God's purposes and truth to begin to pour in our thoughts today and let’s get filled up.
So when you don't get that special greeting from a friend or family member or they forget your birthday; No worries... because your cup is full!

1 comment:

Chris @ Come to the Table said...

Yipee a new post!

This is excellent and such a good reminder for me today!

Keep them coming!!