
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tower of Conviction by Buddy Scott

Tower of Conviction
Excerpters from “Relief for Hurting Parents; How to Fight for the Lives of Teenagers” by Buddy Scott

Break through denial and admitting our child is in fact, ignoring our guidance on purpose.
Denial is a great problem. By refusing to own up to the seriousness of your child’s problems, you put off serious rescue attempts until behaviors degenerate to desperate, stubborn levels.

Our child does wrong because of his or her choices.
Once you have admitted that your teenager has a serious problem, you must asses the nature of the problem. In this world we all have to be in control (civilized) or we have to face the consequences of being out of control (uncivilized). Self-control is the only way for our children to secure independence.

Our child can change – give him opportunity for improvement.
Compassionately scrutinize your child’s world and demand that the environment offer a reassuring and supportive atmosphere favorable for success.

We have a right and responsibility to require our child to live in our home, a decent, legal, cooperative and productive life.
You are setting standards consistent with the real world. When your child grows up to be an adult, they will never find a place where indecency, lawlessness, poor attitudes and irresponsibility will be tolerated.

A Stance You Take

Raise our child consistent with how he will have to become to be successful in the real world.
If you are rude to the supplier, you shouldn’t expect new supplies. (new clothes, make up, fast food)
If you don’t do your part in the family, you don’t get family privileges
Mess it up, clean it up
Abuse it, lose it
Waste it, replace it
Want more, pay the extra

We refuse to be conned by our child.
Do not cooperate with disgraceful intimidations or manipulations. A teenager can take the gracefulness out of parenthood by insulting parents with conf jobs.

We will cause the tools of intimidation and manipulation to become useless.
If you stop giving in to whining, pouting, and tantrums, these tools will become obsolete too, and your child will likely put them back in their toolboxes for a while (they will try to use them again later)

We will be sure the discipline we choose to use is a natural consequence of the offense.
In being sure the discipline you choose to use is a natural consequence of the offense, you are keeping your child consistent with how they will have to become to function successfully in the real world.

We are responders and our child is the teacher. We will respond fairly to what our child teaches us.
Example: If your child teaches you not to trust them, you respond by limiting their freedom and privileges (the natural result of loss of confidence)

10. We will allow our child to experience the pain of their own wrong choices (within reason).

11. We will see the ‘wrong crowd’ as family enemy #1
Fight to rescue your child from it’s carnivalistic and cannibalistic magnetism

12. We will strive for cooperation, not happiness.
By requiring cooperation, you are being consistent with how your children will have to become in order to be successful in the real world.

13. We will not give up on our child.
You are the only one who really cares about your child and the big picture is eternity. You will definitely keep on trying to get your child in position to make heaven their home.

14. We will help our child have opportunity for spiritual conversion (a change of mind set)
Expect a wayward child to be resistant to becoming a committed Christian because he or she will have to admit to doing wrong, give up old friends, be seen as a “loser” by those friends and discipline sinful appetites that are now screaming to be satisfied. Please be patient.

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