It struck me as funny and I just had to laugh because it made no sense to me that a Mexican restaurant would be lacking one of the core item for their food. The suggested substitute didn't even match but it was an option.
Really, in my simple little world, there have been times when I wanted to cook a meal and went to the shelf only to find that one item to complete my cooking adventure was gone. The meal was a disaster! There was no way to rescue it. So if it could happen to me it was sure to happen to my fast food restaurant.
As I finished up my transaction at Taco Bell, I remembered my tasks at work today. I thought that a lot of things just didn't get done on my list. There just seemed to be no explanation or reason for the lack of productivity. I had no substitute for the time I thought was wasted. In hindsight I am sure that it was more successful than I could remember but still... NO SALSA!
Have you ever 'run out' at the end of your day? Was it because that one area that you were sure would be available to carry you on was missing? Maybe you have been like me at the window of Taco Bell expecting salsa and got offered ranch dressing instead. Really there is no substitute or replacement for the real thing. God's love and care.
It is at these times that I believe the Lord reaches down and speaks truth to my heart and mind. It is an ideal place to be because I am finally willing to listen and really looking for some answers outside of myself. God's provision it sure!
“If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.” 1 Peter 4:1
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